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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Positive Self-Talk

Self-talk consists of the thoughts that constantly go through your head.  You may not even realize it's happening.

Positive self-talk involves happy, encouraging, upbeat thoughts.  You realize that bad things may happen, but they won't last.  You have a positive outlook.  You don't blame yourself for bad things happening.

  • "Life is good."
  • "I gained a pound but I'll burn it off, and then some, hiking tomorrow."
  • "I love to energizes me."
  • "The weather caused me to skip my walk today, but I'll be back out there tomorrow!"

Negative self-talk is the opposite, and it can hijack your motivation, energy, and self-esteem.

  • "I'm losing weight now, but it won't last."
  • "I'm always messing up.  I have no willpower."
  • "I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with my exercise routine."
  • "I gained another 2 pounds!  It's the weather's fault.  I can't exercise in the rain!"
Practice changing your thoughts.  When you notice a negative thought coming into your head, ambush it and replace it with a positive one.  Over time  you'll find that you'll be thinking happier, healthier thoughts, and your actions will follow.  It doesn't mean that you'll always be happy and everything will go your way.  Positive self-talk means that you will have a more positive attitude about life and deal more healthily with the good and bad stuff that comes along throughout your life.

Don't get discouraged if you don't immediately feel awesome and energetic when you first start practicing.  It'll take time.  But work on it every day and you'll notice those positive changes coming through bit by bit, until it becomes a habit.

Let me know how it goes.  Email me at or post a message in the comment space below.  Wishing you happy thoughts!

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