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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Don't Be Afraid to Speak up

Do you speak up when you're not happy with your fitness training experience?  If so, great!  If not, listen up.  Here are some things you should definitely speak up about:

1.  Repeated Lateness:  Everyone has unexpected things come up occasionally that cause them to be late, but if it becomes a habit, you have to say something.  Tell your trainer that you're concerned about this situation and would like her to show you some courtesy by showing up on time.  I had this happen.  One of my trainers was late for the first session and never showed up for the second.  I found out later he had a habit of doing this and was fired.

2.  Pushing You Too Hard/Not Hard Enough:  A trainer has a responsibility to you.  He needs to take into consideration health issues and limitations when designing a program for you.  What exercises should you steer away from?  What are your strong points?  What areas need strengthening?  If your trainer is pushing you too hard, you need to speak up and say so.  Same thing goes for trainers who treat you like a fragile doll.  The latter happened to me.  I had a trainer who was used to working with people with special needs and, since I was born with spina bifida, he treated me with kit gloves.  I wanted none of that.  I joined the gym and worked with a trainer to get fit, not to be babied.  I barely broke sweat working with him.  Although some people adored this trainer, he didn't last long with me, let me tell you. My next trainer kicked my butt but good and I thought the world of him.  You just have to find the trainer that works for you.

3.  Choosing Exercises You Don't Like:  Everyone has favorite exercises.  Personally, I love burpees, dips, push ups, walking, ball exercises, interval training, and circuit training.  But if a client doesn't like those particular moves, I'm not going to push the issue.  You have to let your trainer know when an exercise just doesn't work.  You have to do what you enjoy or your routine will end up being a bore.  And boring routines tend to make you lose interest in fitness pretty quickly.  That's not something you want to have happen.

4.  Has an Annoying Personality:  You're shy, he's outgoing.  You love to laugh, she is all business.  You need to find a trainer who matches your personality or the personality traits you feel comfortable with.  I suggest that you work with several trainers before picking one you'll want to work with long-term.  Work with each trainer for a few weeks to see which trainer's training style and personality mesh with what you're looking for.

5.  Not Keeping Track of Your Progress:  Ouch!  I've experienced this one.  Tracking your progress is one of the most important ways to stay motivated and accountable.  If your trainer doesn't make a point to do that...well, it makes no sense.  Talk to your trainer about this issue.  If she continues to slack off the weights and measures, or needs to be repeatedly reminded, find yourself another trainer.

6.  Not Paying Attention to Your Nutrition:  Nutrition is a huge part of any fitness program.  You can't out exercise an unhealthy diet.  So, your trainer needs to pay attention to your eating habits.  A few of my trainers over the years have been great at this. They had me keep a food log, at least on a short-term basis, to see what me eating habits were, then they made suggestions on how to improve.  Your trainer doesn't have to be a registered dietitian to offer basic healthy eating suggestions.  Ask if the subject doesn't come up.  If he starts prescribing a special diet for your specific medical conditions, though, well, that's a no-no.  Unless he is a registered dietitian as well as a trainer, of course.

7. Insulting You:  This is totally unacceptable.  Don't put up with it.  Okay, well, it could be the trainer's weird sense of humor creeping into the session, but still, it's not cool.  If it continues, report her to the training manager and find yourself another trainer.

8.  Talking About Other Clients:  This just puts a bad taste in my mouth, especially when names and details are given.  Confidentiality is important in the training profession, and I think talking about other clients crosses that line of unacceptability.  That said, occasionally I've had trainers who mentioned annonymously a client who inspired them and made them happy they went into the fitness field.  I have no problem with that.  They're not divulging personal information; they're giving an example to motivate their client and promote bonding.  If you feel uncomfortable with a specific conversation topic, let your trainer know.

9.   Leaving Your Session to Help Someone Else:  No, no, no!  Do not put up with this--ever.  Again, you're paying for that session, not the other person.  Your trainer needs to stay with you at all times unless they're going to get equipment in another room to use during your session or there's an emergency.  Otherwise, that trainer is out of line and you should tell him so.  I had this happen once, I think.  The same trainer that treated me with kit gloves left to talk to another client during our session--another reason why I dumped him.

10.  Leaving Your Session to Chat with a Buddy:  See #9.  Speak up and let your trainer know you would appreciate her full attention during each session.

11.  Not Following Up on Your Requests:  Say you have arthritis and your trainer tells you he'll contact your doctor  for exercise recommendations and have them ready for you the next time you meet, but doesn't come through.  Or she says she'll have copies of your workouts ready for you to take on vacation and you never get them.  Not good.  Ask for an explanation.  If it's not a darn good one, and if this becomes a habit, dump that trainer.   

You are paying your trainer to help you on your fitness journey.  During that process, your trainer should act in a professional, friendly, caring and responsible manner.  If this isn't the case, break ties and look for another one who is a better match.

Happy 4th of July!  Enjoy your weekend.  Be safe!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Fun Fitness Blog: Outside Workouts: The Best!

Fun Fitness Blog: Outside Workouts: The Best!: Hi!  I hope you enjoy my new blog post on gardening for exercise.  Check it out.  Take care!

Outside Workouts: The Best!

Courtesy of
Hey there!  I hope your weekend was full of fun and lots of physical activity.  My husband and I spent some time landscaping the back yard.  We put in three new bushes--a Russian Sage, Chaste Tree, and Lemon Bottlebrush--and tonight we'll put in a new palm tree.  

There's nothing like digging in the dirt.  My mom considers it therapeutic, and I tend to agree.  Picking out plants and soil, planning placement, digging the holes, settling the plants into their new homes, bedding them down.  It's hot, sticky, dirty work, but feels so good!  It was kind of like playing in the sandbox as a kid (we live in the desert), actually, only a little bit more work than that. We were thankful for the occasional breeze.  My whole body ached when I was done, but I didn't mind.  I knew I'd gotten just as good a workout doing that as I do at the gym, plus the bonus of fresh air while I was at it.

Things to Remember

When you're working in the garden, remember these tips:

1. Wear sunscreen and a big floppy hat to protect your skin.  I usually wear a baseball-type cap, but this time I chose the biggest, floppiest hat I have.  It was a bit much, I admit.  I couldn't even see out from under it sometimes, it was so big.

2.  Wear appropriate shoes:  If you're going to be using a big shovel or tiller, or the ground is rough, be sure to wear sturdy shoes with good support.  This is not the place for flip-flops or thin canvas sneakers. 

3.  Wear light, lose-fitting clothing to help keep you cool.  I wore shorts which added to the mess I had to clean up afterwards, but they were cooler than long pants would have been. My legs were covered with dirt by the end of our planting project.     

4.  Try to garden in the early morning or late afternoon/evening to avoid the hottest part of the day.  It was still toasty even then for us this time of year, but we were able to handle it pretty well.

5.  Do not sit on hot rocks/patios/etc. with short shorts on:  I learned my lesson well a couple years ago when I was trimming bushes in the back yard.  I decided to sit down on the stone pathway near one the bushes to get a better angle for snipping.  I was sitting there for 10 to 15 minutes when I put my lower leg down on the stone surface.  Oh man!  I winced.  It was boiling hot.  When I went inside to changed clothes, I realized I'd been sitting on that same stone surface with my bare skin (my shorts had ridden up).  My butt got burned badly.  I don't have much feeling in my upper legs due to spina bifida, so I couldn't feel the heat generated by the stone.  It was frightening, to say the least.  I spent the rest of the summer paying frequent visits to a wound clinic until it finally healed.  Luckily, I didn't need surgery.  I've got a nasty scar that reminds me never to sit on hot surfaces again.  Over the weekend, I wore quite long shorts, thank you very much.  I'll always remember! 

6.   If the bugs are out and driving you crazy, apply bug spray, roll-on, or lotion to ward them off. There are a variety of products available, including those which are environmentally friendly, and safe for sensitive skin.

7.  Put some extra muscle into everything you do in order to get a harder workout from gardening.  Hoe faster, dig with gusto, and dance or walk in place while you're watering your new plants.  But be sure to pay attention to the weather and your fitness level.  You don't want to get heat stroke just for the sake of exercise.  Exercise smart; garden smart.

8.  Drink plenty of water.  I always have a bottle of water with me, whether I'm working, gardening, playing, working out, whatever.  Water is good for you, vital for heath, and definitely needed in the summer heat.

Have you got any other gardening tips to share?  Leave comments below.  I'd love to hear from you.