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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More New Workouts Pt. 2

Photo courtesy of
Last week I shared my experiences with several workout videos I borrowed from the library in Trying Some New Workouts.  Well, I've got a couple more to talk about today: one from the library, and one given to me by a friend several years ago--both on T'ai Chi.

Energy Boost For Seniors (2003):  When I picked this DVD, I thought it would be easier because it was geared toward seniors.  I figured it would be slower-paced and easier to follow.  Overall, it was very good.  It did start out slowly with basic moves, but then progressed to other moves requiring a great deal of balance, at least from what I could tell.  My balance isn't good, as I've mentioned before, so the more intricate movements later on tripped me up.  It may not prove to be an issue for most, unless you have significant trouble balancing on one leg.  The music and narrator's voice were both soft and easy to listen to.

T'ai Chi Chih--Serenity in the Midst of Acitivity (2004):  I've had this DVD for several years, having received it from a friend who attends a T'ai Chi class.  I like everything about this video except that the woman's voice is a bit too whispy for my liking.  There is an introduction explaining T'ai Chi Chih, a Practice of the 19 (cover says 20) movements, and Chapter Selections.  I like the Chapter Selections because you can pick one movement at a time and practice it over and over without having to rush to keep up with the sequence of movements in the Practice section.  I liked all the movements except the Taffy ones.  I got all confused and tangled up on those.  And I couldn't do the movements requiring standing on toes.  But I did like the explanations and speed better on this one than the Energy Boost For Seniors.  

I would recommend either of these DVDs as they are pretty easy to follow overall.  It just takes practice.  And you can always alter the movements if you can't do a certain one exactly right.  For example, I just stayed with my feet flat while doing movements that required standing on toes.  Do what you can.  That's better than doing nothing at all because you think you can't.  Give it a try.  You may be surprised at just how much you really can do.  Have fun!

I'll be back soon with my thoughts on Chair T'ai Chi.  Just got the book yesterday but haven't had the chance yet to dig into it.  See you soon!
Have you viewed these DVDs?  If so, I'd love to know what you think of them.  Hope to hear from you!  Take care.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gardening: The Next Olympic Sport

Well, maybe that's a stretch, but gardening can definitely serve as a good workout.
During these scorching days of summer, my husband and I have been watering the many plants in our yard by hand.  We used to have a sprinkler system hooked up in the back until the work on our new addition began.  And we haven't had a chance yet to get a new one hooked up since the completion of that project.  So at least once daily one of us goes out to water the plants with the garden hose.  Simple enough, right?  Ahh!

I'm short and my balance, although better than it used to be since I've been working out regularly, is less than optimal.  We have tons (I don't think I'm exaggerating here) of red lava rocks all over the back yard (desertscape), which are a bear to walk on.  I'm always twisting my ankles and losing my balance on the little devils.  

Photo Courtesy of
Then there's the hose.  This 75-foot serpent is quite a challenge to maneuver around the yard.  In the course of a watering session (40-60 minutes)  I do the equivalent of triceps kickbacks, bent-over rows, arm raises, tug-o-war, pulling, pushing, biceps curls, squats and more.  Plus, I'm getting a heck of a cardio routine in.  Add in sunshine and fresh air and watering is a pretty awesome total body workout.

Some things to remember when gardening/watering:  

  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunscreen.  
  • Wear a light-weight long-sleeved shirt and long pants to shield your skin from the sun. (I usually wear shorts, and usually finish up with muddy arms and legs and clothes.  Whichever is more fun for you, go for it.  Just make sure you protect your skin somehow from the sun.)
  • Watch out for bees and other stinging critters.
  • Don't drown your plants.  The "shower" or "mist" settings on your hose nozzle should work well.  Follow care instructions that came with your plants, or look them up on the Internet to make sure your watering them enough but not too much.
  • Water early in the day or in the evening when the temperature isn't so hot.
  • If you must water when it's toasty outside, take it slow, take frequent breaks, and drink plenty of water.  
  • Bring a spray bottle fan outside with you to help cool you off.
  • Spray yourself with the hose once in awhile for some relief from the heat.
  • Put "snakes" of stepping stones throughout your yard if you have rocks/stones in it.  The stepping stones will help pretty-up your yard and save your ankles and feet a lot of grief, pain, and potential injury.  
  • Wear supportive footwear.
  • Only work out at your appropriate level of fitness.  If you aren't used to working out, don't attempt to enter into an Olympic event such as Garden Hose Serpent Wrestling.  
  • Seriously, don't overdo it.  Yes, you want to stay active, but, that said, you WANT to stay active.  So why overdo it and end up in the hospital or otherwise benched for weeks or months.  Not worth it.
I hope you're having a safe, active, and fun summer!  Take care.