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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Trying Some New Workouts

Hey there!  I hope you're having a good week.  Last weekend, my husband and I went to the public library.  I brought home six exercise/self improvement DVDs.  This is new for me.  I don't usually exercise to videos, but I'm always looking for new ways to jazz up my workouts, so I decided to explore this avenue to fitness.  I'd like to share with you my opinions of some of these DVDs. (I haven't finished two of them yet--more on them later.)

Courtesy of
Body & Soul Fitness: Fat Burner (2006):  First of all--WOW!  It includes an introduction, super charged warm-up, a super, super charged workout, and a cool down and stretch.  The aerobic routine wasn't too hard to follow at first, but then the instructor seemed to speed up and up and up, even leaving her team stumbling and trying to keep up now and then. Great routines, lots of energy, appealing music, but beginners may have a hard time to keep up (although one of the team members does regress some movements to show that you can do this routine even if you're a beginner, which I liked).  I like that the DVD has a warm up and a cool down period.  You're going to need it for this high intensity routine.  Something else I liked is that the exercise team members were healthy looking, fit, but not super slim except maybe the lead instructor (a bit).  They looked like normal, fit people, not models.  Will I continue with this workout?  No.  I've decided there was a reason why I hadn't taken an aerobics class or gotten into aerobics videos before now--I don't enjoy them.  But if you're into aerobic exercise, like classes, and are moderately to very fit already, I'd say give this video a try.   

Zumba--Beginners (2004):  This was the next DVD I tried.  The guy started speaking in Spanish which threw me at first, but a member of his team translates what he says into English.  The instruction is done slowly at first, then it's sped up so you can see how it will look when done at a regular pace, which I liked.  The segments are quite short to prevent boredom, but long enough for you to get the hang of what is involved.  Unlike the Body & Soul Fitness DVD, this isn't a full on aerobic workout.  Rather, it's basic instruction for the total newbie.  I linked to the 2-DVD set Zumba--Beginners and Zumba--Advanced on just because it's the only one I could find that pictured the DVD that I borrowed from the library.  I may try a DVD that includes actual full on routines similar to the Body and Soul Fitness one just to see how that would go.  Zumba--Beginners didn't convince me to take up Zumba, but maybe a different one would.  We'll see.  I might stick to dancing to my favorite music on my own without having to mess with learning specific steps.  I think that would suit me better.  

Pilates/Yoga for AnyBody (2005):  Next up!  This one has an instructor introduction which I liked.  She talks about how she came to combine Pilates and yoga and so on.  It has a "Before We Begin" section on what's needed for the practice, a warm up, strength and endurance routine, flexibility routine, and a cool down.  I've never tried Pilates or yoga, so this was all new to me.  And I realized while attempting the movements that I'm much less flexible than I thought I was.  I got myself tied up in a few knots with this one.  Ah well, it was good for a laugh and I got a great workout.  I was surprised how tired I was after such a low key workout.  I think with practice I could enjoy Pilates and yoga, but separately.  She's an excellent instructor.  I didn't really like the combined routine, though; maybe because I've never practiced either one.  I think I would much rather try beginner yoga and beginner Pilates individually.  
Courtesy of

Relax Mind & Body: Meditations to Soothe and Center (Inner Mastery Series) (2007)  This is a nice one.  There are two guided meditations (Levels 1 and 2 Skills to Soothe and Center).  She's knowledgable, thorough, explains everything, takes it slow, and speaks clearly.  I'm no expert, but I've practiced meditation off and on over the years and this is up there with the best DVDs I've tried.

So, there you have it.  What do you think of my selections and reviews?  Have you tried any of these DVDs?  I'd love to try others.  Any suggestions?  What are your favorite exercise DVDs?  I'd love to hear from you.  Be sure to leave a comment below or email me at  Thanks!  Take care.

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