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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Let Fitness Help You Cope with Crises

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Hey there.  I hope you're having a good week.  I want to talk about coping with crises today.  Whether you're dealing with job loss, a death in the family, a divorce, a chronic illness, or lots of little nit-picky nuisances, fitness can help. 

Sure, you'll need some down time to deal with whatever troubles are going on in your life, but try to get back into some sort of healthy sleep, exercise and eating routine as soon as you can.  They can provide a combination of much needed rest, stress relief and healthy nutrition that you body and mind will need to get through the tough times ahead.

Schedule exercise, sleep, and nutritious meals just like you would work, job interviews, school, meetings with lawyers or doctors, and other responsibilities, depending on your particular situation.  Pace yourself.  Find a routine that works for you and stick with it. 

Seek out help from those you are close to in the fitness community as well as medical professionals, friends, family and neighbors.  You'll need that support unit to bounce ideas off of, talk things out with, seek trusted professional information from, and receive comfort and security from during this time.  Don't be afraid to reach out.  There are many people available and willing to help.  Let them.  For example, if a friend asks you to go for a walk or run with her, try it.  Just a short one at first.  No one expects you to jump into a marathon at a time like this.  Just get out, get some fresh air, decompress a bit.  In some cases, having an ambitious goal can help, though.  So maybe you'd benefit from training for a marathon.  Everyone handles crises differently.  Go with your gut.  You'll know what's right for you. 

Has fitness helped you get through a difficult situation in your life?  Please share your experiences with me (whatever you feel comfortable sharing) either via email ( or in the comments below.  I'm looking forward to hearing from you.  Take  care.

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