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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Where Has August Gone?

Hello everyone.  I can't believe August is almost over and Labor Day is just around the corner.  Wow!  Along with working (getting my latest Fun Fitness newsletter out, online coaching, writing health and fitness articles, and providing support services for another fitness business), I have been volunteering at local animal shelters, going to BBQs and other gatherings, going for walks, doing chores, going on errands, and taking care of other business of life with my husband, Jim.  
Summer is such a busy time.  Sometimes too busy.  We've enjoyed all the hubbub for the most part, but we have come to the realization that we can't do it all.  That's an important thing to do, too.  Yes, it's great to volunteer, and we'll keep doing so.  And it's fun to get together with friends.  We'll keep doing that, too.  But we're starting to pick and choose, so we can relax and do some things that we've been missing out on this summer.  
Jim wants to go cycling more often, and I want to spend more time with our furry family.  We have six cats and a bird who are such a joy.  We do spend time with them, of course, but I want to increase it.  Well, Jim does too.  Helping out at shelters is rewarding and very important to us, but our babies at home need us, too.  They are so loving and caring and patient with us. We need to give more to them.  
Cats are pretty independent, but not as much as some people think.  Three of our cats are huggers.  They love to hug and cuddle with us.  Up until recently, I have let them into the office with me while I work.  They are mostly fine.  They just want to sit with me, not play.  But I've been working on a new project for one of my jobs and, while I've been getting used to it, I haven't let the cats into the office.  They miss me and I miss them. I can see the confusion in their faces. I check on them now and then throughout the day, but it's not the same.
The point of this post is that, no matter how much you enjoy your busy life, you need to take a step back and ask yourself if you'd enjoy a less busy life better.  Would it be healthier?   Are you missing out on more important moments and pastimes at home by stuffing your schedule full of those things you think you want--out there?  
Being busy is good, to a point.  It also can be stressful, tough on your mind and body.  That can lead to illness and injury.  Give yourself a break.  Tone things down a bit.  
Balance is key.  Pick the things you love to do most and continue, but weed out the stuff that doesn't satisfy you as much anymore.  Replace those less satisfying outings and projects with quiet times at home, reading a book for fun, playing with your kids and/or pets, getting together with one special friend for a chat instead of 20, or going away for a long-overdo weekend in the mountains or to the beach--somewhere relaxing.

Take care.  Have a great weekend.  Find time for you!
